The global cucumber industry is largely reliant on warm, well-lit cultivation techniques such as greenhouses. However, due to rising energy prices, most countries are now abandoning these methods. Because cucumbers require a high temperature to grow, they are grown primarily in hot climates throughout the world
The demand of cucumbers, all over the world, is high due to many reasons. One of which is that it is full of nutrients. The water inside them can help keeping your body hydrated and the fiber inside them can help your body boosted regularly and avoid constipation.
In Europe, the German cucumber market mostly rely on Netherland and Belgium. In French markets, cucumber prices are going high due to increase in production cost. Same is the case with Spain, Austria, Italy, and other European countries.
In African countries, most of the time, the weather remains sunny. They rely mainly on the organic methods of cultivation, and hence the prices are low. Nowadays, the price per kilo cucumber is 0.7-0.8 euros. That’s why their demand is high all across the world.
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